Welcome to the website of Seungchul Kim's research group at Pusan National University, exploring the frontiers of ultrafast laser technologies, utilizing material analysis, plasmonics, and innovative precision measurement/sensor infrastructures. Ultrafast/Ultra-precision technology is a new paradigm and not just an emerging research trend, as it can be applied to many existing fields of science and technology. Time, frequency and length are the most important basic physical quantities. The ‘ultrafast photonics’ enabled the ‘ultra-precision’ measurement of these quantities in the last decade with the ‘frequency comb’: 0.000000000000001 second in time, 0.000000000000001 Hz in frequency and 0.000000000001 m in length. These extreme precision will benefit all the measurements in cutting-edge technologies and fundamental sciences.
Ultrafast optics & photonics
Optical Metrology
time-resolved PEEM
fs-Laser Processing
Numerical Simulation of nanophotonics/attosecond dynamics Numerical simulation in nano/microstructures based on FDTD method are known as the general method to calculate the time-dependent Maxwell's equations. We are interested in unique behavior of the light in nano/microstructures in connection with attosecond electron dynamics. The electrons can be steered by the optical near-fields, enabling ultrafast control of electron dynamics. In this research, we are collaborating international theoreical groups who has the powerful tools to calculate not only the local electromagnetic fields but also electron trajectory by the genrated optical fields in the structures. (Physical Review A 2017, ACS Photonics 2017) |
High-harmonic generation in solids High-harmonic generation(HHG) has a variety of applications, such as attaining attosecond pulse, metrology, high resolution imaging, and etc. Normally HHG can be generated by focusing laser pulses with very high intensity into inert gas or molecules. Recently, research on HHG in solids have been increasingly demonstrated since its efficiency is relatively better than gas based HHG, and the results have unique properties. We are interested in HHG in solids, and performing various experiments for next-generation optics and photonic devices. (Nature 2008, Nature Photonics 2011, Nature communications 2016) |
Optical frequency comb in nanoplasmonics Frequency comb, millions of narrow linewidth optical modes referenced to an atomic clock, has shown remarkable potential in time/frequency metrology, atomic/molecular spectroscopy and precision LIDARs. Applications have expanded to coherent nonlinear Raman spectroscopy of molecules and quantum metrology for entangled atomic qubits. Frequency comb will create novel possibilities in nano-photonics and plasmonics; however, its interrelation with surface plasmon is unexplored despite the important role that plasmonics play in nonlinear spectroscopy and quantum optics through the manipulation of light in a subwavelength scale. We are interested in developing optical frequency comb based ultra-precision devices that will allow us to couple to molecular systems for chemical/biological analysis and identification. (Nature communications 2016, Nature Physics 2018) |
Interferometric time-resolved PEEM We study a time-resolved photoemission electron microscope (PEEM) with an imaging time-of-flight detector using few-cycle near-infrared laser pulses and a phase-stabilized interferometer for nonlinear photoemission from metallic nanostructures; Study of localized and propagating plasmon dynamics at metallic nanostructures at optical frequencies for the potential applications of optical-field control of currents, future electronic devices etc.
Plasmonic Nanoantenna
Plasmonic Metagrating modulator 수 많은 나노구조로 구성된 Metasurface는 빛이 겪는 광 위상을 공간적으로 다른 위상을 겪게 하며, 거시 광학계에서 렌즈나, 회절격자 등의 광학소자로 역할을 수행할 수 있다. 나노 구조로 이루어진 Metasurface는 얇은 구조로 이루어져 있음에도 렌즈의 색수차 해결이나, Edge detecting 등의 기능을 구현할 수 있기에, 작은 공간에 광학소자를 필요로하는 광도파로나 카메라 등 응용 연구로의 기대치가 높다. 우리 연구에서는 이러한 Metasurface의 범용적인 응용을 위해 가변성을 부가시키는 새로운 방법을 개발 진행한다. Metasurface의 가변성 부가를 통해 MEMS장치로의 통합이나, 영상화 장치 구현에 유용한 모듈이 될 것으로 기대한다. (CLEO: Applications and Technology. Optical Society of America, 2020) |